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Start Your Retirement

Often considered as the holy grail of career, the ultimate achievement, the finish line, retirement is however a upheaval and holds many surprises!


Statistically, the honeymoon lasts 18 months : we garden, we empty our attic and cellar, we tidy, we sort, we paint, we travel ... And once that is completed, we find ourselves faced with the question "What now? " . Even if you have a project in mind and you stay "active", some aspects often remain unexplored and can represent difficulties:

  • We stay 24/7 with our spouse ( 50 % of couples divorce 1 year to 18 months after retirement).

  • We sometimes feel isolated (the social circle was mainly made up of colleagues )

  • We sometimes feel useless ( 50% of retirees experience depression after one year to 18 months)

  • It seems like most of our life is behind us, and not much in front ...

The Start Your Retirement plan offers a kind space for:

  • Get to know the ingredients of a fulfilling life: know yourself, our needs, your values, your emotions and learn to use this information to permanently create a contributory and joyful life.

  • Identify what makes you tick , what are your desires , your ideas

  • Transform these ideas and desires into project (s) as well as the first steps of the action plan.

P. 6 semaines


6 sessions, during which you will learn to know the ingredients of a fulfilling life and develop a life project .

Each step will allow you to get to know you better and give you the boost :

Sessions 1 & 2 - Getting to know yourself and taking stock:

  • Your "Vibrational" profile (what makes you vibrate), your know-how

  • Take stock of your personal, social, sentimental, family life

  • Your representation of retirement

Sessions 3 & 4 - Adaptation:

  • Take new benchmarks: relationship to time, reorganize the environment

  • Healthy lifestyle: take care of your body and mind, preserve personal space, develop your inner balance, soothe your mind.

Sessions 5 & 6 - Creating your future:

  • Cultivate optimism: Develop attitudes that support a social network

  • Learn to cultivate gratitude

  • Be a contribution

  • Develop your life project: discover the possibilities, identify vibrant projects, create the first steps of an action plan.


An exclusive program, including:

  • 6 INDIVIDUAL coaching sessions of 1:30 - face-to-face or virtual.

  • Access to a Facebook group "small self-awareness tools" allowing you to learn tools for taking a step back, knowing yourself and caring for your "self".

  • An exercise book

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3 Days , during which you will get to know the ingredients of a fulfilling life and develop a life project . Price: Individuals € 1,500 excluding VAT Businesses: € 3,200 excluding VAT

Each day will allow you to discuss the different themes of the Start Your Retirement program and give you the boost :

Day 1 - Get to know yourself and take stock:

  • Your "Vibrational" profile (what makes you vibrate), your know-how

  • Mapping of your personal, social, sentimental, family life

  • Your representation of retirement

Day 2 - Adaptation:

  • Take new benchmarks: relationship to time, reorganize the environment

  • Healthy lifestyle: take care of your body and mind, reserve personal space, develop your inner balance, soothe your mind.

Day 3 - Create your future:

  • Cultivate optimism: Develop attitudes that support a social network

  • Learn to cultivate gratitude

  • Be a contribution

  • Develop your life project: discover the possibilities, identify vibrant projects, create the first steps of an action plan.



1 Program developed, tailor-made, according to your needs.


Face-to-face or virtual.

Contact me to discuss your needs, your ideas and projects and together let's define a program that suits you.

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