Start Your Retirement
Often considered as the holy grail of career, the ultimate achievement, the finish line, retirement is however a upheaval and holds many surprises!
Statistically, the honeymoon lasts 18 months : we garden, we empty our attic and cellar, we tidy, we sort, we paint, we travel ... And once that is completed, we find ourselves faced with the question "What now? " . Even if you have a project in mind and you stay "active", some aspects often remain unexplored and can represent difficulties:
We stay 24/7 with our spouse ( 50 % of couples divorce 1 year to 18 months after retirement).
We sometimes feel isolated (the social circle was mainly made up of colleagues )
We sometimes feel useless ( 50% of retirees experience depression after one year to 18 months)
It seems like most of our life is behind us, and not much in front ...
The Start Your Retirement plan offers a kind space for:
Get to know the ingredients of a fulfilling life: know yourself, our needs, your values, your emotions and learn to use this information to permanently create a contributory and joyful life.
Identify what makes you tick , what are your desires , your ideas
Transform these ideas and desires into project (s) as well as the first steps of the action plan.
6 sessions, during which you will learn to know the ingredients of a fulfilling life and develop a life project .
Each step will allow you to get to know you better and give you the boost :
Sessions 1 & 2 - Getting to know yourself and taking stock:
Your "Vibrational" profile (what makes you vibrate), your know-how
Take stock of your personal, social, sentimental, family life
Your representation of retirement
Sessions 3 & 4 - Adaptation:
Take new benchmarks: relationship to time, reorganize the environment
Healthy lifestyle: take care of your body and mind, preserve personal space, develop your inner balance, soothe your mind.
Sessions 5 & 6 - Creating your future:
Cultivate optimism: Develop attitudes that support a social network
Learn to cultivate gratitude
Be a contribution
Develop your life project: discover the possibilities, identify vibrant projects, create the first steps of an action plan.
An exclusive program, including:
6 INDIVIDUAL coaching sessions of 1:30 - face-to-face or virtual.
Access to a Facebook group "small self-awareness tools" allowing you to learn tools for taking a step back, knowing yourself and caring for your "self".
An exercise book

3 Days , during which you will get to know the ingredients of a fulfilling life and develop a life project . Price: Individuals € 1,500 excluding VAT Businesses: € 3,200 excluding VAT
Each day will allow you to discuss the different themes of the Start Your Retirement program and give you the boost :
Day 1 - Get to know yourself and take stock:
Your "Vibrational" profile (what makes you vibrate), your know-how
Mapping of your personal, social, sentimental, family life
Your representation of retirement
Day 2 - Adaptation:
Take new benchmarks: relationship to time, reorganize the environment
Healthy lifestyle: take care of your body and mind, reserve personal space, develop your inner balance, soothe your mind.
Day 3 - Create your future:
Cultivate optimism: Develop attitudes that support a social network
Learn to cultivate gratitude
Be a contribution
Develop your life project: discover the possibilities, identify vibrant projects, create the first steps of an action plan.

1 Program developed, tailor-made, according to your needs.
Face-to-face or virtual.
Contact me to discuss your needs, your ideas and projects and together let's define a program that suits you.