Start Your Job
Start Your Job is an outplacement program, available in several formulas, to support you in your professional repositioning.
It is specially designed to trigger change and is the result of 20 years of experience in Executive Search combined with 10 years of experience in Coaching as well as a unique knowledge of the market.
Did you just experienced a dismissal ? Or have you been considering a change for a while?
Do you want to reposition yourself, to make the right choice, but you don't know where to start? You are in the right place!
In the post-confinement, what do you want ? More ease, more appeasement? No longer want to bother you like before? Do you want , on the contrary, to adjust, to better orient yourself ?
📍Do you want to change jobs?
📍 Reorient your career?
Whatever your goal, come and start thinking with my program, find out what you're made for , what environment suits you best, what your talents are.
6 sessions , during which you will identify your professional profile and develop your career plan and your research strategy. Price: Individuals € 1,250 including VAT / Businesses € 2,450 excluding VAT
Each step will allow you to get to know you better and give you the boost :
Sessions 1 & 2 - Getting to know yourself:
Your "Vibrational" profile (what makes you vibrate)
Your skills, your talent, your environment, your situation
Wrap up
Sessions 3 & 4 - Identify your difficulties and transcend them:
Your needs, your beliefs, your values
Your traps, your blind spots
Maintain a private / professional life balance
Your resources
Sessions 5 & 6 - Career project and research strategy:
Develop your career plan
Redo your CV, your cover letter
Interviews tips and tools
Stay the course and don't get discouraged
An exclusive program, including:
6 INDIVIDUAL coaching sessions of 1:30 - face-to-face or virtual.
Access to a Facebook group "small self-awareness tools" allowing you to learn tools for taking a step back, knowing yourself and caring for your "self".
A workbook including steps allowing you to discover what you are made for, your skills, your leadership and communication style, the right environment to deploy your talents, your resources, your pitfalls ... in short: a complete mapping.
3 Days , during which you will identify your professional profile and develop your career plan and your research strategy. Price: Individuals: € 1,500 including tax Companies: € 3,200 excluding VAT
Each day will allow you to tackle the different themes of the Start your Job course and give you the boost :
Day 1 - Getting to know yourself
Your "Vibrational" profile (what makes you vibrate)
Your skills, your talent, your environment, your situation
Wrap up
Day 2 - Identify your difficulties and transcend them
Your needs, your beliefs, your values
Your traps, your blind spots
Maintain a private / professional life balance
Your resources
Day 3 - Career project and research strategy
Develop your career plan
Redo your CV, your cover letter
Interview tips and tools
Stay the course and don't get discouraged
1 Single session / webinar of 2 hours. The "Start your Job" program à la carte, with in module 1: MOTIVATION
Do you want something else, do you want to get your head off the handlebars? Don't you know where to start or where to go? You are in the right place :)
This is the 1st module of 3 which constitute a path towards the complete mapping of what suits you. A la carte, at your own pace.
MODULE 1 : Motivational profile ("Vibrational"): Come and discover:
What are the tasks that make you vibrate?
What are the activities, the circumstances, where you do not see the time passing?
What can we deduce from this? What type of job would suit you?
Understand what you need to feel fulfilled in your work
Whatever your goal, come and start thinking with my first module.
Face-to-face or virtual.
You will :
- Take a Motivational Profile test "on the internet.
- Receive a written profiling report.
In individual Skype / Whatsapp / Zoom sessions: € 400 excluding VAT
Zoom " Group " webinars (minimum 5 participants): € 250 excl.
1 Single session / webinar of 2 hours. The "Start your Job" program à la carte, with in module 2: SKILLS (M1 prerequisite)
Do you want something else, do you want to get your head off the handlebars? Don't you know where to start or where to go? You are in the right place :)
This is the 2 nd Module of 3 which is a journey towards the complete mapping of what is right for you. A la carte, at your own pace.
MODULE 2 : Skills profile: Come and discover:
What skills have you developed?
What are you good at?
What is your added value?
In what situation are you giving your full potential?
Whatever your goal, come and start thinking with my skills module.
Face-to-face or virtual.
You will:
- Define your talent
- Map your skills with me
In individual Skype / Whatsapp / Zoom sessions: € 325 excluding VAT
Zoom " Group " webinars (minimum 5 participants) : € 250 excl.
1 Single session / webinar of 2 hours. The "Start your Job" program à la carte, with in module 3 : ORIENTATION (prerequisite M1 & 2)
Do you want something else, do you want to get your head off the handlebars? Don't you know where to start or where to go? You are in the right place :)
This is the 3 rd Module of 3 which is a journey towards the complete mapping of what is right for you. A la carte, at your own pace.
MODULE 3: Guidance advice:
What information is useful for drawing your career profile?
What are your strengths? Your blind spots?
What type of business and job are right for you?
Tips for your plan of attack
Whatever your goal, come and start thinking with my Guidance for Guidance module.
Face-to-face or virtual.
You will:
- Gather information with me to guide you
In individual Skype / Whatsapp / Zoom sessions: € 325 excluding VAT
Zoom " Group " webinars (minimum 5 participants) : € 250 excl.